Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preschool Graduation...

Emma on the bridge at graduation
That's Emma graduated from Northminster Learning Center.  It was an emotional day for mom but Emma was thrilled.  Tonight she had an "ice cream program"/graduation.  All the kids from her preschool sang songs and those kids who are moving on to kindergarten got to walk across the bridge.  She had been waiting for this moment since she saw her friends do it last year.  Emma is so excited to start kindergarten next year, but most of all she is thrilled to get to ride the bus to school.  On the car ride home she said, "Mom, your little baby is not so little anymore."  Thanks for the reminder Emma!
Mrs. Martinek & Mrs. Taylor

Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Martinek have been Emma's teachers for the past two years and they have been such a blessing.  Emma has really come out of her shell.  When she started preschool, she was painfully shy and never volunteered much information about herself.  In the words of Mrs. Taylor, "She is now a leader in the class."  Thankfully, we didn't have to say "goodbye" to them, as they will be Brody's teachers in the fall.  I told them to rest up this summer...they will need it!  Speaking of was his last day in Curiosity Corner with his teachers, Mrs. Gottlieb and Ms. Wegmann.  He will return in August as an official preschooler!
Ms. Wegmann & Mrs. Gottlieb

Mrs. Gottlieb couldn't believe the changes in Brody from the beginning of the year until now.  He is such a fun little guy!  Now it is time to relax a bit and enjoy the summer!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Emma. You will do great in Kindergarten!
    -Uncle Jeremy
